Hotel Bavaria in Oberstaufen, Bayern

Einrichtung and Unterkunft   Isnyer Straße 2, Oberstaufen, Bayern 87534

With great attention to detail, the original Bürgermeisterhof has been converted into a charming, individual country hotel. Chic and modern, professional yet casual. Feel good - have time for nice talks, great walks. Pull long tracks in the hotel pool, fall asleep satisfied in the spa, before it goes to the massage. That sounds like a completely relaxing time out. As a guest in the Bavaria free on the mountains, summer and winter (with ski pass). Inviting modern rooms. Enough space to relax; new wellness ar


Einrichtung   Unterkunft  

Adresse :
Isnyer Straße 2
Bayern 87534
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Hotel Bavaria - Oberstaufen - Germany – Hotel Bavaria – Oberstaufen – Germany
With great attention to detail, the original Bürgermeisterhof has been converted into a charming, individual country hotel. Chic and modern, professional yet casual. Feel good - have time for nice talks, great walks. Pull long tracks in the hotel pool, fall asleep satisfied in the spa, before it goes to the massage. That sounds like a completely relaxing time out. As a guest in the Bavaria free on the mountains, summer and winter (with ski pass). Inviting modern rooms. Enough space to relax; new wellness ar

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